Slide the f*ck in, fangirls. This is just the tipppp of some of the topics we will be covering on DM For Guestlist.

Plus, where to find the best chickpea blondies in Charleston, and Cameron's WORST “would you rather” question.

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Quotes from the episode

[Kelsey] We're not just business focused. We're not just relationship focused. We are doing all the things. So some of the topics that we will cover and we know a little bit about a lot.”

[Cameron] We want to talk about health and wellness and the balance. The lifestyle balance of wanting to have fun, but also having that line that you draw where you're like, okay, I can also be an adult when I need to.”

[Cameron] How to handle it all. People underestimate having a business, meal prepping for yourself, trying to be non-toxic, meal prepping for your dogs.[Kelsey] That takes the majority of my fcking day. [Cameron] Trying to have fun still a little bit sometimes, you know, and just keeping the pulse on everything that's happening in the world.”

[Cameron] So it's this weird dichotomy, where society is telling me to disappear but I'm living my full life, finally. [Kelsey] Cameron's from the South and I’m from Maryland. So we'll talk about the differences there, too, of Northern and Southern personalities. Definitely different. [Cameron] Definitely different.[Kelsey] Honey, I am confrontational. [Cameron] The things Kelsey says blows my mind sometimes. I'm like, yes, somebody said it. Thank you. [Cameron] Listen, I have no fear. I talk about it. You got to talk about it in order to get to a solution. [Cameron] No, we will bless your heart. [Kelsey] I hate that. [Cameron] I know. {Kelsey] I'm like, don't be fake to me. Just, just give me the middle finger and move on.”

[Cameron] I am pro: the easiest way to upgrade your life is learning how to cook.”

[Kelsey] Chickpea brownies. Don't get me started. Shit. Just told everybody. [Cameron] Everybody's going to go buy them. I thought Kelsey bought the last two today. I almost had to fight her for one. [Kelsey] I wasn't going to give it to her either. I was pretending I wasn't listening. [Cameron] She's like, I didn't hear anything. [Kelsey] I was like this bitch. I was like on my phone. Nope. Can not hear you. Your problem is not mine.”

