The very stale fairy tale of how the 2 co-hosts met and fell in working-relationship-love. Creative and business minded women with similar work ethics and styles. This was a match made in HEAVEN BABY.

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Quotes from the episode

[Cameron] We met because of social media, when you reached out to me. [Kelsey] Yes, I was doing Instagram for a boutique fitness studio.And I was just kind of like thrown into it. Didn't really know what I was doing. And I started frequenting a nightclub that you were doing the Instagram for. And so I talked to the owner and I was like, who does your social media? I need to. ‘Pick a brain’, because you're favorite fucking one liner, because I didn't, I don't know, I didn't really have anyone who was in social media, like any friends, any network, so I really just wanted to pick your brain and see what your process was, how you thought I was doing, what I could improve on, and just really see and talk to someone who had experience and could give me feedback.

[Cameron] That is one of the things that makes the social media space hard - so many people have their personal accounts, and you know, that's easy. When you're doing social media for a business, that's a whole different beast. It’s a lot less, "‘Oh, I'm a hot girl on Instagram.

[Kelsey] Mind you, this is, 2018. So this was when Instagram was very, like, aesthetics mattered, okay? And it wasn't just throw whatever like really easy organic content. It wasn't, that was at the time. It was aesthetic matters, grids matter, which, okay, grids still matter, in my opinion. They still matter. Maybe not the most important anymore, but they still matter. They still fucking matter.

[Cameron] Everybody in social media I find is pretty much thrown into it. So. Nobody has the answers and it’s always changing.

[Cameron] It was a great reset. I needed two months to myself. I didn't want to work. It was a nice, granted, yes, all of COVID is happening, so that's not nice. But just having that free time back, nobody was going to call me. Nobody needed anything from me. It was Cameron who didn't have to post for anybody.

[Kelsey] And honestly, it was the owner who was like, so Cameron wants to get back in here. You know, maybe she could just do the website. And I was like, no, she gave me this. She can have it back. I'm like, I won. Okay, secret. And we can talk about this. And it's not really a secret, but we can talk about this on a whole nother episode. But I hate social media.

[Kelsey] So he was like, Oh, I still want you on the team. Let's just kind of like us three figure out COVID together. And so that's what we did. We were like the consult group, consult group? Yeah, like a consult group, strategizing and figuring out how to navigate the waters of COVID.”

[Kelsey] From that Cam and I just knew that we worked really well together. We're very business-minded, we're very creative, and it's really rare, I would say, to find a real 50/50 split of being business-minded and creative. I feel like a lot of times you either have like 80 percent creative and a little bit business minded or vice versa, but we had both, and we realized that my strengths are your weaknesses and vice versa.”

[Cameron] I know you have Chris, but for me, I don't have my [romantic] soulmate, but I have my money soulmate because sometimes you just meet people and you're like, yeah, we're gonna make money together for sure.”



s1E3: RAYA
