Cameron and Boomer… an interesting dynamic to say the least. We finally get a male perspective on dating in today’s world, and get real deep by asking the questions women should be asking men, but aren’t. We also touch on male friendship dynamics, the fear of rejection, intimidating women, and Boomer may or may not ask Cameron out??


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Quotes from the episode

"You're never going to be 100 percent ready, and it's never going to be just the right time. But that's the point. Every moment is also the right moment. If you want it, you just have to do it."

"Keep your eyes on your own paper. Work on your body, nurture your relationships, improve your business. Stay focused on you. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing."

"If it's not making me smarter, better, fitter, healthier, or richer, I don't want a part of it."

"I truly appreciate people who expand on ideas and philosophies rather than gossip. It’s about moving the needle, not wasting energy on small talk."

"People get used to feeling bad and don’t even realize it. But by not taking care of yourself, it’s a selfish decision—you’ve got family and friends who want to see you live a long, healthy life."

"Charleston is where people come to vacation, and then they move here afterwards. It’s a city that pulls you in with its charm."

"I've been in love three times, but I think relationships, in general, are hard. Going on dates is easy, but maintaining something consistent—that’s where the challenge lies."

"There are more women than men in Charleston, which definitely shapes the dating scene, but it’s changing. The city's evolving."

"We were kind of the pioneers of theme events in Charleston, from trivia to themed brunches. Now everyone’s doing it, but it pushes us to stay even more creative."

"I started out fun-employed and turned that into owning a hospitality marketing firm representing some of Charleston’s favorite spots."

"I think one of my strongest suits is connecting people. It’s what I enjoy most about my work—building relationships that go beyond business."

"I worked at a movie theater in high school. Started as an usher, moved up to cashier—yeah, I buttered that bread."

"Red Palm Tavern is all about that dive-bar-meets-sports-bar vibe. You've got pool tables, darts, pleather booths—it’s the kind of place you go to for a good time."

"I appreciated that you could balance the party life but also owned a business and were serious about what you were doing."

"Charleston has a preconceived idea about women in their early 20s being annoying, inconsistent, and unreliable, but I felt I was different."

"The reason we ended things is Boomer told me I didn’t go out enough. And his female friends didn’t like me."

"You didn’t come to bat for me, and I’ve never let you live it down since then."

"I dropped the ball, and I only agreed to do this to try to get you back."

"I knew Boomer wasn’t good at digital marketing, but I could have made your business so successful."

"Because your words mean nothing when your actions have proved time and time again that you don’t rise up in a masculine, dominant manner."

"What would you say is your most masculine quality?" "My beard."

"I want someone who's independent and can provide for themselves. I’m not looking for a girl who's just seeking a sugar daddy."

"There's nothing wrong with women who have masculine qualities. Today, 99 percent of women need those qualities just to survive."

"A more submissive woman is going to want you to take control, but if you're not willing, you need someone who can."

"I thrive in making plans. I'll pick three spots, but of the three, you choose one. That feels like a good compromise."

"You end up as text buddies, and half the time, you never meet in person."

"Texting all day with someone is a red flag. It makes me wonder if they have anything else going on in their life."

"I've been catfished—completely different person than the photos. If you’re catfishing, that’s enough of a red flag."

"Men are often afraid to approach confident, beautiful women. They’ll stare, but they won’t make a move."

"Rejection is the clear fear, but can’t we put egos aside and shoot our shot? Some women deserve that attention."

"You know someone’s a best friend when they’ll pick you up from the airport or help you move—even if they don’t text every day."

"In guy world, we don’t communicate all the time, but when we need each other, we’re there."



