F a taboo topic. We aren’t about it. Money dictates our lives, so let’s talk about it. Debt, upbringing, mindset, and habits—we’re unpacking it all with our unique perspectives and feedback from our audience. Can we learn to reframe money as an exchange of energy? #SlideTFIn

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Quotes from the episode

"Questioning societal norms and pressure like we are? Good. Get ready for playful banter, thought-provoking dialogue, and perspectives that'll make you rethink society as you fucking know it."

"Money is a taboo fucking thing to talk about and people get triggered. Let’s break that down because, quite frankly, money controls and dictates our lives."

"If we stop looking at money as a taboo and more as an energy exchange, it makes it less of a thing, you know?"

"Situational debt is not the same as irresponsible spending debt. Situational debt happens due to big life events—like escaping a toxic relationship or dealing with unexpected job loss."

"There's such irresponsibility that comes with excessive spending. If you want to keep up with the Joneses, that’s fine, but don’t complain about money when you’re overspending."

"I cannot imagine how much some people are spending on beauty treatments. If you’re complaining about money while getting regular Botox or eyelash extensions, take a hard look at your spending habits."

"Recognizing and acknowledging your privilege is important. It’s not about ignoring your struggles, but understanding the factors that have shaped your financial habits."

"From working at 14 and saving diligently to making smart financial decisions as an adult, your upbringing and early work ethic can set you up for long-term financial success."

"Sometimes it’s about focusing on bringing more money in rather than just obsessing over every penny going out. Balance is key."

"The only time I stepped foot in my high school was after school let out for practice. I was the only person in my high school to do that, and I think it set me up for a strong work ethic."

“Setting your kids up for success doesn’t need to mean generational wealth—simple steps like adding them to your credit card can make a huge difference.”

“You can’t rely on a woe-is-me attitude. If it came down to it, I’d find a way to make money, whether it’s cleaning houses or working a side job.”

“Cars and boats are often the worst investments. It’s better to buy used and avoid vanity purchases that lead to deep financial holes.”

“My mom setting me up with credit early on was a game-changer. It helped me avoid student loan debt and navigate financial hurdles more smoothly.”

“Using a CD as collateral for a car loan was a clever way to build credit history without much risk. It’s a strategy worth considering for setting up your financial future.”

“Cutting out non-essential expenses like nails and hair can make a big difference when you’re in financial trouble. Sometimes you need to reevaluate what’s truly necessary.”

“Paying off debt requires discipline. To really make progress, you need to pay significantly more than the minimum payments and strategize your budget carefully.”

“COVID was a turning point for many—some became millionaires while others struggled with debt. How you handle these challenges can shape your financial future.”

“Good financial management involves more than just saving. It’s about strategically investing in assets and planning for the future, including handling aging parents’ affairs."

"I don't have a plan B. There’s so much more to learn, and I feel like I’m leaving a lot on the table when it comes to managing my finances."

"I have money in a retirement fund that I totally forget about. I used to manage it well, but now I just don’t know what I’m doing with it. They don’t teach you this stuff in school."

"I empathize with those struggling with credit card debt. You’ve got to hustle to get out of it, but talking about money openly can help."

"Money should not be taboo. Why can’t we openly discuss what we earn? It’s time to break the silence and be transparent about our financial realities."

"Why do we have such hostility towards discussing money? Your appearance, clothes, and car all showcase your income. Why not be open about it?"

"If we were more open about our finances, we could make more mindful decisions, whether it's about splitting bills or setting gift expectations."

