The struggles of being a strong a$$ woman: how other women react to alpha females, the various levels of intimidation/threat, job interviews + career, and dating. Dating as a strong energetic female is so frustrating these days, that it has one of us in tears. #SlideTFIn .. this one’s another raw & vulnerable episode.

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Quotes from the episode

"Women are crushing it right now, but not everyone is ready to accept that."

"Strong women aren’t intimidating; they’re energizing."

"Confidence comes with age and experience—it’s all about owning your energy."

"First impressions matter, even if it’s for a nightclub interview."

"It’s not about forcing things to happen; it’s about trusting your gut and letting things come to you."

"As a strong woman who just owns her shit, you can tell when someone kind of shrivels up and gets on the defensive. It’s almost like they’re reacting to your energy, and it’s very obvious."

"Confidence is magnetic. When I left the interview, I felt energized. I want those people on my team because you don’t have to hold their hand through everything."

"I thrive off strong personalities. They expand me, make me want to match their energy in a good way. It’s not about intimidation; it’s about growth and confidence."

"As a woman in the food and beverage industry, my experience has been about implementing myself in every aspect—designing merch, doing chalk art, creating cocktails. I’m not just a taker; I’m a doer."

"Strong women are perceived differently as they age. With more confidence and experience, you naturally become more powerful, and that can be intimidating for some people."

"As a strong woman, you sometimes have to play the game."

"It's not about intimidation; it's about holding your power."

"Strong women don't play games; they demand respect."

"If you're feeling threatened, maybe it's not them—maybe it's you."

"When a woman walks in with confidence, she’s not a threat—she’s an opportunity."

"I feel more intimidated by people that are intimidated by me. It's weird—when I walk into a room with my energy, it can be a turn-off to some. But it's not about shrinking; it's about standing in your power."

"Strong women are often seen as a threat, but in reality, they bring so much more to the table. They don’t just demand respect; they command it through their actions and presence."

"If you're in the presence of a woman that you feel intimidated by, take a second and think about what's coming up for you. Why do you feel this way? Is it them, or is it something within you?"

"Men often have one goal when they initiate conversations. But when a woman demands more, she’s seen as too much. It's not about playing hard to get—it's about demanding the effort that you deserve."

"It's crazy how the dynamics have shifted. Women are often stepping into more masculine roles now because they’re compensating for the lack of masculine energy in modern men."

"Take up space. This goes for anybody—male, female. Stop overthinking and just be who the fuck you are."

"I'd rather be with my best friend who's a guy than chase after someone who's just super hot."

"I feel like I've put so much effort into myself to be a great match for somebody."

"You can't change who you are to make someone else comfortable."

"I don't want to be the leader. I want someone who will take the lead and match my energy."

"It’s frustrating because you feel like you've put so much effort into yourself to be a great match for somebody. You've worked through childhood trauma, built a business that gives you freedom, and yet finding that right person feels impossible."

"I think the saddest part is feeling like it's never going to happen. If people can't even ask you out once, how's anything more going to happen?"

"If you're going to slide into someone's DMs, slide all the way in. Don't leave it at small talk—take it to the next level. Be direct, ask questions, make plans."

"My friends told me to dress down on dates because they think I’m intimidating people. But why should I change who I am just to make someone else comfortable?"

"I want to build an empire with someone. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I'm the leader. I want someone who can assert their dominance and let me step into my more natural state of being."

"I'm not going to blindly follow somebody off a cliff. You have to trust and respect."

"You can assert your dominance, but you have to be able to back it up with sound decision-making."

"I want to come home and be feminine. I want flowers, I want that soft energy."

"I don't want to be the leader. I want someone who will take the lead and match my energy."

"Strong women want to be vulnerable because they aren't in regular life."

"Never apologize for taking up space."

"If you don't have trust, respect, and communication, your relationship will fail."

"Dress how you want to dress and feel the most authentic version of you."

"You can assert your dominance, but you have to have that level of sound decision-making. I’m not going to just blindly submit to anybody. There has to be trust and respect."

"Strong women want to be vulnerable. We’re forced into leadership roles, but we crave the chance to let go and be led by someone who knows what they’re doing."

"I would give up my job tomorrow to cook everything from scratch, homeschool my kids, and make my surroundings beautiful. But I’m forced into survival mode to pay rent and put food on the table."

"I don't want to be the leader in the relationship. I've been forced into it at work and in life, but what I truly want is a partner who will take the lead and let me be in my feminine energy."

"Men say they want a feminine woman, but they don't want to do the things that make it possible for us to be in that feminine energy."

"Why do you watch my stories but never make the next move? If you're interested, take that step. Make it clear."

"The problem in society is that no one is talking about things. Relationships need trust, respect, and communication. If you don’t have those, it will fail."



