Tackling the masculine and feminine conversation with one of the most masculine men we know. Also discussing mentors, the manosphere, stoicism/the stoic virtues, and tangible takeaways.

Chris’ list mentioned on the episode:

A man should be…

1). Intelligent
2). Resilient
3). Courageous/Bold
4). Caring (Provider)
5). A Leader
6). Skilled in what he knows (Mastery of his craft)
7). Strong/Physically Fit (Protector/Fighter)

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Quotes from the episode

"Masculinity means being intelligent, rational, stable, and courageous."

"Women don't want to hear about men's problems; they want to hear about how we solved them."

"Men have to create themselves, while women have to retain their femininity."

"Strong men don’t let things happen—they step up and take action."

"Feminine energy is chaotic, loving, caring, and nurturing—the perfect counterpart to masculine energy."

"Masculine energy is about being intelligent, rational, logical, stable, and courageous. It’s about not being afraid of conflict—both physical and emotional—and having your finances in order. It's the traits men build to make themselves valuable."

"In relationships, masculine energy and feminine energy should fit together like puzzle pieces, making the partnership stronger. Masculinity provides stability, while femininity brings the chaos and nurturing that balances it out."

"A lot of men get mixed messages: they're told to open up and be vulnerable, but when they do, they don't get the results they're looking for. It's not that women don't want men to express their emotions; they just prefer to hear how we overcame our challenges."

"The most valuable thing a man has is his time and attention. Giving someone your undivided attention is far more valuable than any material gift."

"Men have to create themselves over time. Most guys at 18 don't have all those masculine qualities; it takes time to build them. That's why most men come into their own around the age of 30."

"Master your body first before you try to master your mind."

"Men should get in the gym and build themselves before seeking therapy."

"Women are the heart center, bringing emotional comfort and nurturing to those around them."

"A mother cannot teach a boy how to be a man; a masculine role model is essential."

"There's value in being 'just a mom'—raising the next generation is a victory in itself."

"If a man is struggling emotionally, there might be underlying issues like a lack of self-discipline or self-respect. Before diving into traditional therapy, focus on mastering your body and mind—get in the gym, learn a skill, build something."

"In moments of vulnerability, it's crucial for men to confide in close male friends or mentors rather than placing that emotional burden on their partner. A man’s role in the relationship is to be a pillar of strength and stability."

"The trend of single-mother households is detrimental to society because boys grow up without a masculine father figure to teach them how to be men. A mother can’t fulfill that role alone."

"Modern society often looks down on being 'just a mom,' but it's an immense success to be a great mom and raise children who will contribute positively to society."

"Women are often the emotional heart of a family, providing the nurturing and spiritual support that balances the man's logical and rational approach."

"When you meet the right man, you won’t even think twice about letting go of some control."

"The first step to becoming a stronger man? Go to the gym. Everything else will fall into place."

"Your quality of life is made possible by the sacrifice of others."

"Being fulfilled in relationships and work is key to escaping that feeling of being 'in the middle of nothing.'"

"A woman’s best interest is to allow space for her partner to be a man, and vice versa."

"I think a lot of the struggles men face are tied to neglecting responsibilities—whether it's building themselves up or their finances. When men aren't able to fulfill the role of being a provider, it often leads to a lack of security and balance in relationships."

"If a man is struggling with vulnerability, it might not be about expressing emotions but about how he expresses them. Men should have a measured approach—confiding in close male friends or mentors rather than placing that burden on their partner."

"As a man, you have to develop aspects like intelligence, resilience, courage, and the ability to be a provider. Start by mastering your body in the gym, then let everything else fall into place."

"For women, there's nothing wrong with wanting to pursue career fulfillment, but it's essential not to lose touch with what truly brings harmony and peace in relationships. It's not about completely giving up on yourself but about balancing both worlds."

"Modern society often places a false narrative on being 'just a mom.' Being a nurturing and supportive partner or parent is a victory and success in itself, providing immense value to the family and society."



S2EP29: Divine Timing
